Sunday, May 30, 2010

Institute of Construction and Project Management

Chief Secretary took a meeting on Skill Development on Friday. On my behalf, I proposed that we must have a State Institute of Construction.
The idea is as follows:
About 10 lakh construction workers will be needed by 2014 to cater to the construction / real estate sector. But the methods of constructions are being mechanised rapidly: one can see around the Kolkata Metro construction and see how caterpillar cranes, bull-dozers and concrete-mixers are being used. But the traditional skill in masonary etc is still in its ancient customs. As a result, more and more skilled workers are coming in to the state from Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh etc. A massive social unrest will happen due to job displacements in the traditional construction industry unless we act now.
I have therefore proposed that we can set up an Institute of Construction and Project Management in Salt Lake or Kalyani, somewhat along the lines of the National Academy of Construction in Hyderabad. I'd need financial help though.
I was encouraged to take the matter forward. I hope to take it the Planning Commission through the Development and Planning Department.


  1. I discussed this concept with Secretary HUPA, GOI today morning. She added a few new angles and advised me to send a Concept Note.

  2. Discussed with Ms. Jaya Das Gupta, Pr Secy Dev & Planning Depptt yesterday on this.
